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Columbia Foster & Adoption Project

Pack the Pantry Shopping List

Pack the Pantry Shopping List

Purchase this list for $0. Download the list and shop for us. 

Help pack the pantry with prepackaged snacks or safe foods for youth living in foster homes. 

"Safe food" in foster care refers to providing nutritious food, balanced meals and snacks that are appropriate for a child's age and dietary needs. Safe foods are also items that children are familiar with. 

Many children experiencing foster care have experienced food insecurity or food utilized as a punishment. Packing pantries or stocking shelves directly impacts the child's experience and access to food in each home.

This Shopping List is a suggestion. Feel free to purchase items your family enjoys. 

Return items (we will have boxes to place items in) to The Crossing Church Main Foyer

March 2 8:15 am-12:15 pm

March 5 5:15 pm-7:00 pm

March 9 8:15 am-12:15 pm

March 12 5:15 pm-7:00 pm

March 16 8:15 am-12:15 pm


Regular price $0.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $0.00 USD
Sale Sold out
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